Lucha Libre was not without its faults in the ring. If you time it right, a sound will play letting you know you've succeeded with the button press and your character will dodge the incoming attack and launch his own in return. It prompts players to tap the right shoulder button for a split-second before an attack is launched. There's a small counter system in place in Lucha Libre as well. As you build up your popularity stars, new and more-spectacular moves become unlocked, including a super-move once the meter is filled to the brim. Taunting your opponent while he's on the ground will earn your props from the fans, as will pummeling their faces into the ground.

Throughout the fight each combatant will gain and lose popularity stars depending on what's happening in the ring. The+dreaded+neck+punch! Where Lucha Libre successfully differentiates itself from the field is in the element of popularity. Just as in other wrestling games, players will be able to do things like hop out of the ring and grab a weapon, climb onto the ropes and launch themselves into the chest of their adversary, and eventually try to pin them once they've injured them badly enough. The face buttons are used for standard attacks with holds, throws and submissions opening up when you start grappling with your opponent (done by holding either trigger). Wrestlers move around the ring slightly sluggishly, unless you tell them to run with a bumper button. From what I could tell from my short play time with Lucha Libre, players can expect similar gameplay mechanics to what we've seen from WWE games over the last several years. Slang and Konami are aiming to bring the spirit and excitement that inspired these icons to the comfy confines of a controller. Just look at Nacho Libre starring Jack Black or the WWE superstar Ray Mysterio Jr. There's little doubt that Lucha Libre has transcended boarders the world over. Not only did I get to play Lucha Libre AAA for the first time, but El Elegido also gave me one of his very own luchador masks so I'd remember the experience. Folks from Slang dropped by the IGN office with an actual Lucha Libre wrestler named El Elegido in tow as well as a preview build of the game. The game is scheduled to launch on Aug(8/9/10) for Xbox 360, PlayStation 3, Wii, DS and PSP. But now gamers are going to get their first chance to dive into an authentic Lucha Libre ring with Lucha Libre AAA: Heroes del Ring from Slang, a Mexico City-based developer with Konami acting as the publisher. We've been seeing luchador characters in games for years now, regardless of how misrepresentative of the actual form of entertainment they may have been.